The foundation is essential at home, it allows stability and longevity over time. Although today the foundations are mostly made of concrete,there are still many old foundations in rubble. Sometimes their dilapidation can become a real problem for the stability and waterproofing of the building.
- What is the stone stone foundation?
- How to maintain them and make sure they are in good condition?
To properly diagnose and find the right solution, we must first learn more about the setting up of the foundations in rubbing. Technical explanations below…
What is the stone stone foundation?
A moellon (old names link Yes Moilon) is a building stone, usually limestone, more or less tender, partially or totally cut, with dimensions and mass that make it handy by a single man.
So nothing to do with the stones of the fields…
The stone foundation is made of superimposed stones. They are bound together by mortar composed largely of lime.
The stone foundation supports a house or building to ensure its strength, safety and resilience over time. The foundation’s base and size are proportional to the size of the building: the larger the house, the more overlays (layers) of stone blocks. It is respect for this proportion that allows for great durability and stability.
In addition, this type of foundation resists the risk of collapse and vibration of the ground, thus providing solid support to the building.
But many problems can arise with this type of ancient foundation as we relate in this foundation project in rubble in Montreal
A crumbling mortar over time
Although this type of stone foundation is known for its strength and permeability, the mortar between the stones often tends to crumble after several years. This can then cause water to seep in,and thus create moisture on the walls or even mold.
Know the state of its foundation in rubbing
To make an accurate diagnosis of the condition of your stone stone foundation,it is essential to call on a foundation expert. A structural engineer is the person who can assess the areas at risk and, above all, know how to remedy these problems. For a free and accurate submission, contact VOPAA in Gatineau or Montreal.
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Weak point of the foundations of rubb beef?
Cracks in foundations and walls are the first signs that warn of a problem. These cracks have the advantage of being easily spotted. Often located outside on the façade of the building, they are very visible.
They can be caused by uneven soil settlement. The problem is that these cracks tend to multiply and quickly reach the upper floors of the building.
However, there is a difference between passive and active cracks. It is therefore relevant to observe their occurrence over a year or so and to ask a witness, to see if they are continuously evolving or if they are stabilizing.
Two examples of construction sites treated by VOPAA:
But we must not wait any longer before taking charge of this problem. These cracks can cause water to seep in, causing mould on the structural elements, such as on the wood frame. In addition to weakening the building’s strength, they pose health risks to its inhabitants.
To find a lasting solution, it is advisable to call on a professional expert in foundations.
The settlement of the foundations
The problem of settling the stone foundations depends on the type of soil and the temperature variation. It is especially important to ensure that your construction rises on clay soil. A period of drought will cause it to lose its water, the latter being absorbed by the surrounding trees. The soil may then settle down and create cracks in your foundations.
To counter this phenomenon, consider watering your trees at the beginning of a dry spell. However, it is rare for Canadian droughts to be of a magnitude requiring such an intervention.
Solutions to water infiltration into the cobbler foundations
- The French drain: a water disposal solution
As mentioned above, water infiltration is a real danger to the structure of the building and to your health. Renovation work is therefore essential. It is possible to have an over-used French drain installed (or replaced) at the foot of the foundations to drain water away from your building. This French drain also has the advantage of reducing the risk of your soil moving because of frost.
- The protective membrane
It is also possible to waterproof your foundations in rubble in order to seal them. All you need to do is put a protective membrane on your foundations to reduce water infiltration. To do this, the surface of the foundation must still be in good condition.
- The parallel foundation
The production of a parallel foundation requires the intervention of experts. It is a matter of digging outside the foundation and cleaning the stones. The goal is to install a wooden formwork in front of the pre-existing rubbing foundation. Then, a concrete pouring helps to solidify the stones. A waterproof membrane is also put in place.
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