Repair of a solage in Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette near the Hare River, in theOttawaregion. This village is approximately 60 kilometres from Gatineau. An excavation along the foundation was made for the installation of a French drain and waterproof membranes all over the perimeter. Several cracks and damage to the sole were found.
Lack of a French drain
Four active cracks were at the back of the house where the stairwell is located. This section was the only one that had no French drain. This demonstrates the importance of a drainage system. A large amount of water was accumulating at this location and the soling eventually gave way due to the frost movement.
In addition, a repair was carried out 4 years before our intervention. The contractor didn’t even bother to install a French drain. The faults were always moving.
The client then repaired a crack from the inside with polyurethane. Without success, the repair eventually gave way.
Foundation repair and effective protection
We have reassured the customer that the cracks will be watertight, and this will definitely be. These have been plugged and we have installed steel plates to prevent future movement.
The French drain has been completely replaced and the most important thing is that the stairwell is now protected. For this work done in 2016, we used a rigid French agricultural drain. Now we use a BNQ drain that is effective even if there is a presence ofiron ochre. A waterproof and draining membrane was placed all along the foundation.
Finally, the land was developed in order to have positive slopes around the building.
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