Mini excavation is the solution for work:
- Made in a small space
- Requiring high precision
- For digging that minimizes land damage
This type of excavation is very common for residential and commercial work, especially for foundation repair. To do this, it is necessary to use a mini excavator that allows maneuvers to be performed with remarkable agility and precision.
Although it is a small-scale
this kind of work must be done by an experienced operator. Otherwise, you may compromise the quality of the work.
Entrust your work to VOPAA Inc., an expert in mini-excavation for more than 20 years.
What types of work is mini-excavation required for?
Mini excavators are used to perform manoeuvres that large mechanical shovels cannot perform. They are versatile machines that can contribute to an infinite number of jobs thanks to their power, agility, precision and speed. Mini excavation is frequently associated with foundation repair and earthworks. In fact, it is used in particular to:
- repairing cracks
- installing French drains
- installation of waterproofing membranes
- slope development
- ditch excavation
- sewer works.
An excavation suitable for residential renovations
The mini excavation is perfect for residential work as it is small-scale. When starting, a mechanical shovel has the advantage of rotating on 360 degrees without having to move its pulls. This allows the operator to maneuver faster and over a much smaller area. The mini-excavator has the same advantages, but in reduced format. In urban areas, it is common for the space around the foundation to be very limited so equipment is needed accordingly. Trees, overhead wires, galleries, are all obstacles that are usually found around a residence. To avoid hanging them, the use of equipment that is too large is inappropriate.
Commercial work and mini excavation
The commercial sector also needs to carry out mini-excavation work. Although infrastructure in this sector is often larger, there is always room for careful work. Examples include:
- Rainwater
- Sewers
- Foundation repair
- Partial demolition
- Earth
Different sizes for different jobs
The three main aspects of power, range and size must be evaluated before carrying out work that requires an excavator. This will allow you to choose the right equipment to carry out the work efficiently and, above all, safely.
In terms of power, it is rare that this is an important point, because despite their small size the mini-excavators are very powerful. A large rock can sometimes be too heavy an object for equipment, but it is usually possible to get away with other tools.
In terms of range, it is a question of predicting whether the arm of the mechanical shovel is long enough to carry out the work.
Finally, the size of the machine is important to measure. For some types of work such as foundation repair, there is a conventional size, a mechanical shovel of 4 to 5 tons is ideal. Although it is already considerably small, this can be too big for the renovation for example of a garage. To replace the embankment at the bottom of the garage it is possible that we have to go inside so you need a very small excavator.
It is wrong to believe that a mini-excavation does not require some planning. Like the larger digging work, an excavation info check is essential to know the location of underground infrastructure. Indeed, these devices are very powerful and can easily break gas ducts and wires. Remember to check with the landowner to see if the landowner knows if there are any other elements under the ground that would not have been listed by excavation info.
In terms of security, it is not to be overlooked. There are important rules to follow depending on the type of work.
Entrust your mini-excavation work to VOPAA Inc.